Thursday, April 22, 2010

I feel it So Great Being A Filipino


an educated person has sacrificed his life for me long been since i was not yet born into the earth.

I feel it so proud aside from his writings in noli me tangere and el felebusterismo. He has been a great martyr to his country and fellowmen.

I just learned his history and the story of his life this summer. He was not that what they say an emo trend(because of his hair style) in today's history but a noble to his country. He sticks on to his plan even if the things has not become so easy for him.

He was human, cries as being hurt like the common people. He despised himself, his pains and struggles for an aim.

He hopes and endures that he even think for the good of himself. He follow his heart's desire and pursue his goals.

i want to be like him because as i mirrored his life. his heroism touches me as if convincing me not to mind myself but to pursue on the things which i wanted to achieve. You are so great Doctor Jose Rizal.!!! I adore you...